Suplementos de melão amargo

  • Oferta
  • Preço regular €21,95
Taxas incluídas.

Suplementos de melão amargo

Nossos suplementos de melão amargo contêm um extrato frio puro e concentrado, produzido por meio de um processo especial que garante a retenção de todos os ingredientes ativos. O melão amargo tem sido usado na medicina tradicional ayurvédica há mais de 2.000 anos no Sri Lanka (Ceilão). 

  • Sem corantes artificiais.
  • Sem sabores artificiais.
  • Sem conservantes.
  • Sem preenchimentos.
  • As cápsulas vazias DRUERA são feitas eticamente apenas com ingredientes totalmente naturais à base de vegetais.

Ingestão diária recomendada – 1 cápsula de 250 mg duas vezes ao dia, meia hora antes das refeições.

Grande economia no frete - Compre até 4 frascos de qualquer um de nossos suplementos (Canela do Ceilão, Gengibre ou Cúrcuma) e pague a mesma taxa de frete. 

Entrega mundial dentro de 3 a 7 dias com rastreamento de remessa on-line.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Mrs S.A. (Sevenoaks, United Kingdom)
Great product

Druera products are high quality and I have been using this for years.
I love the quality and it’s Worth the price.

Andrew L. (Adelaide, Australia)
Bitter Melon supplement

Helps maintain good sugar level.

Dennis K. (Kaneohe, United States)
Try it to believe it

My wife blood sugar level was at diabetic level 2 after she stop ordering your Bitter Melon Supplement for a couple of months. She started ordering from Amazon and her problem started to get bad and her blood sugar went out of control. Since coming back to your brand her diabetic condition went back to pre diabetic condition and her blood sugar level is 75% back to normal level. Your Bitter Melon bottle price is very affordable due to the capsules supplement count per bottle at 240 , other brands average only 120 per bottle and priced the same as your Druera brand. People shouldn't be afraid to purchase your brand just because your company is located out side of the USA.

RAMCHAND D. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Have not received my goods as they were rejected by the Malaysian customs. Goods were returned to...

Seereview title

DRUERA will courier the replacement in smaller lots immediately

Bridget G. (Hatboro, United States)

It is good but I need to return 2 bottles because I ordered to much