芦荟凝胶 11 盎司/326 毫升
芦荟凝胶 11 盎司/326 毫升
您无需亲自种植芦荟即可享受其益处。芦荟在锡兰已有 2000 多年的种植和使用历史。它是极致的护肤品,具有无数益处。
- 滋养皮肤并刺激胶原蛋白的产生。
- 促进细胞更新并抚平细纹和皱纹。
- 缓解晒伤并治疗轻微刺激、割伤、烧伤和皮肤溃疡。
- 帮助皮肤保存从周围空气中获得的水分。
- 它是干燥、皲裂和晒黑皮肤的理想活肤剂。
我们的 100% 纯天然芦荟凝胶保鲜期长达一年。DRUERA 的天然芦荟凝胶纯净而有效,就像您直接从叶子上挤出来的一样,不会弄脏。
我们邀请您也尝试我们的 芦荟手工皂
可通过在线货运追踪在 3 至 7 天内实现全球送货。
exelent prodict
I bought the Aloe Vera gel to have handy in case of burns, but I tried it on a patch of extra dry skin. I didn't expect it to work! But it's brilliant. Better than any moisturiser.
This is one product you should always have on hand. Very versatile product to help heal skin issues from burns to scrapes!!
Love the Aloe Vera Gel for my skin. Use it day and night on my face and body. My skin feels so soft and smooth. It’s wonderful and I highly recommend this product!
Really appreciate the cinnamon and soap. Also can you let me know the ingredients of the aloe. There is no list on the bottle. Thank for the great service.