我们的苦瓜补充剂含有纯净、浓缩的冷提取物,采用特殊工艺生产,确保保留所有活性成分。苦瓜在斯里兰卡(锡兰)的传统阿育吠陀医学中已有 2000 多年的使用历史。
- 不含人工色素。
- 不含人工香料。
- 不含防腐剂。
- 无填充剂。
- DRUERA 空胶囊符合道德标准,仅采用纯天然、植物性成分制成。
每天两次,每次 1 粒 250 毫克胶囊,饭前半小时服用。
运费大减价 - 购买我们的任何补品最多 4 瓶( 锡兰肉桂补充剂, 姜补充剂, 或者 姜黄补充剂 ) 并支付相同的运费。
3 至 7 天内实现全球送货,并提供在线货运追踪。
Druera products are high quality and I have been using this for years.
I love the quality and it’s Worth the price.
Helps maintain good sugar level.
My wife blood sugar level was at diabetic level 2 after she stop ordering your Bitter Melon Supplement for a couple of months. She started ordering from Amazon and her problem started to get bad and her blood sugar went out of control. Since coming back to your brand her diabetic condition went back to pre diabetic condition and her blood sugar level is 75% back to normal level. Your Bitter Melon bottle price is very affordable due to the capsules supplement count per bottle at 240 , other brands average only 120 per bottle and priced the same as your Druera brand. People shouldn't be afraid to purchase your brand just because your company is located out side of the USA.
Seereview title
DRUERA will courier the replacement in smaller lots immediately
It is good but I need to return 2 bottles because I ordered to much