肉豆蔻油纯正,产自锡兰。肉豆蔻油是从一种常绿树中提取的,这种树长到 20 米(65 英尺),枝叶茂密,开着暗黄色的小花。肉豆蔻油由斯里兰卡丘陵地区 Haarispatttuwa 采集的肉豆蔻加工而成。
DRUERA 肉豆蔻油是食品级的。
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Wonderful smell.
I love the fragrence. It is intense and the soothing oil calms puffiness..
As always.. you came through.
We Love You Guys ❤️...
Beautiful Product... It works for an array of things.
absolutely great customer service and the oil is perfect, a few drops does the trick, ;) excellent product, pure and perfect
I recommend nutmeg oil to my mother, it has become my mom's favorite.she swear by it, its the best oil she has ever used. the puts it in food, drinks, apply as anointed oil.I need to order more, because both of my bottles went to my mom.